Català English Español Italiano Português (BR) Privacy Policy
Installation    How to use    Troubleshooting    Manual download   

  1. Verify your system has Java version 8 or higher installed. You can download it from
  2. Run the installation package for your platform or decompress the ZIP file.
  3. That's all! From now on you only need to remember that:
    a. If you use Windows, you should open Google2SRT.jar file. google2srt
    b. If you use GNU/Linux, you should open file. shell script
    c. If you use macOS, you should open Google2SRT.jar file. JAR file
    d. If you use another system, you should run on a shell or similar this command: "java -jar Google2SRT.jar".

How to use
Subtitles from one single video (URL)
Subtitles from one single video (URL)
Translations from one single video (URL)
Translations from one single video (URL)
Subtitles from multiple videos (URL list)
Subtitles from multiple videos (URL list)
One single XML subtitles file
One single XML subtitles file


Manual download

What can we do when Google2SRT cannot download the subtitles? We will have to manually download and convert them by choosing the "XML file" option. Currently, it is necessary to use this method if we want to download the subtitles that YouTube automatically translates from the original subtitles.

Our video address is like this:

1. We will pay attention to the v parameter and we will see the available real subtitles list by browsing this address:

2a. We will see a XML code like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<transcript_list docid="6824816026201807091">
<track id="2" name="French (fr)" lang_code="fr" lang_original="Français" lang_translated="French"/>
<track id="0" name="German (de)" lang_code="de" lang_original="Deutsch" lang_translated="German"/>
<track id="3" name="Italian (it)" lang_code="it" lang_original="Italiano" lang_translated="Italian"/>
<track id="4" name="Japanese" lang_code="ja" lang_original="???" lang_translated="Japanese"/>
<track id="1" name="Spanish (es)" lang_code="es" lang_original="Español" lang_translated="Spanish"/>

2b. If subtitles exist in our desired language, we can go to the step 3. If they do not exist, we also can load the available translated subtitles list by browsing this address:

2c. We will see a XML code like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<transcript_list docid="6824816026201807091">
<target id="42" lang_code="ca" lang_original="Català" lang_translated="Catalan"/>
<track id="2" name="French (fr)" lang_code="fr" lang_original="Français" lang_translated="French" cantran="true"/>
<track id="1" name="Spanish (es)" lang_code="es" lang_original="Español" lang_translated="Spanish" cantran="true"/>

Subtitles with <track> and cantran="true" are real; the other ones (with <target>) are languages which are available to translate the real subtitles to. It means that we will have to choose the real subtitle we want to use as source (for the translation) and the language that we really want.

3. We will pay attention to the name and lang_code parameters of the subtitle that we are interested in and we will go to:
Example: Spanish subtitles (real subtitles): (es)&lang=es

Example: Catalan subtitles (translated subtitles from Spanish): (es)&lang=es&tlang=ca

Note that lang_code from the previous XML file is lang (real subtitle) or tlang (translated subtitle) in the URL address.
If some of the name or lang_code parameters are empty in the XML code that appeared in the step 2/2c, i.e., there is name="" or lang_code="", we will pass these parameters as empty parameters. See Google Video English subtitles example.

4. We will see a XML file like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<text start="0" dur="1.96">El Nissan Sunny.</text>
<text start="3" dur="1.48">No sé por dónde empezar</text>
<text start="4.52" dur="3.96">Quiero decir que hay coches más feos y hay coches peores de conducir, pero ese no es el asunto.</text>

5. We will save it with XML extension and it is ready to be converted to SRT by Google2SRT.

Google Video
Our video address is like this:

1. We will pay attention to the docid parameter and we will see the available subtitles list by browsing this address:

2. We will see a XML code like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<transcript_list docid="-3916654796029228812">
<track id="4" name="Deutsch" lang_code="de" lang_original="Deutsch" lang_translated="Alemany" lang_default="true"/>
<track id="2" name="" lang_code="en" lang_original="English" lang_translated="Anglès" lang_default="true"/>
<track id="0" name="???????" lang_code="ar" lang_original="???????" lang_translated="Àrab" lang_default="true"/>
<track id="9" name="???" lang_code="ko" lang_original="???" lang_translated="Coreà" lang_default="true"/>
<track id="13" name="Español" lang_code="es" lang_original="español" lang_translated="Espanyol" lang_default="true"/>
<track id="3" name="Français" lang_code="fr" lang_original="Français" lang_translated="Francès" lang_default="true"/>

3. We will pay attention to the name i lang_code parameters of the subtitle that we are interested in and we will go to:
Example: Spanish subtitles:ñol&lang=es&docid=-3916654796029228812

Example: English subtitles (name is empty):

Note that lang_code from the previous XML file is lang in the URL address.
If some of the name or lang_code parameters are empty in the XML code that appeared in the step 2, i.e., there is name="" or lang_code="", we will pass these parameters as empty parameters, like in the example of the English subtitles, where name does not have any value.

4. We will see a XML file like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<text start="1.8" dur="1.95">Información sobre la amiloidosis.</text>
<text start="5.06" dur="1.29">¿Qué es la amiloidosis?</text>
<text start="6.69" dur="2.97">La amiloidosis es un grupo de enfermedades en las que muchas clases diferentes</text>

5. We will save it with XML extension and it is ready to be converted to SRT by Google2SRT.